Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In celebrated the arrival of their first child on February 5, announcing the birth of their baby girl. The couple, who exchanged vows in April 2023, shared the news of the actor’s pregnancy back in November last year. The agency representing the couple, Human Made, released an official statement, stating, “Hello. This is Human Made. We are delivering the happy news that the Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In couple gave birth to a daughter on the afternoon of February 5.”
Providing a health update on Lee Da In and their newborn, the agency expressed, “Both the mother and child are in good health, and Lee Seung Gi conveyed the news that he is grateful and happy that a precious life was born safely. Please send warm love and support to the Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In couple who welcomed a new family member. Thank you.”
Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In’s love story started years ago, but they made their relationship public in May 2021, following widespread reports about their dating. The couple opted for a private wedding ceremony in 2023 at the Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas Hotel in the Samseong neighborhood of Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea.
The pregnancy announcement for Lee Da In came from her agency, 9 Ato Entertainment, expressing immense joy about the new journey into motherhood. The statement read, “It is with immense joy that we bring this exciting news of the commencement of a new journey for Lee Da In into motherhood. She is gratefully embracing this new phase of life that is set to blossom in February next year. The actress is primarily concentrating on her health and well-being at this blessed phase. We plead for your continuous warmth and affection towards Lee Da In and her upcoming bundle of happiness.”
As of now, the actor Lee Seung Gi has not personally shared his sentiments about becoming a father. The couple has also not disclosed the first photo or the name of their newborn.