The process of making noodles in a Kolkata factory, as revealed in a viral video, has sparked feelings of unhappiness and disgust among viewers.

Noodles, a popular and widely consumed dish, are a culinary favorite. However, a video that has gone viral showcases the production of noodles in a Kolkata factory, leaving many people with a sense of displeasure and repulsion.

The video commences by illustrating the process of creating noodles. It reveals a large container where all-purpose flour, leftover noodles, and water are combined to form a dough. Subsequently, this prepared dough is transferred to a machine that transforms it into long sheets and then cuts them into noodles.

Once the noodles are prepared, they are set out to dry. It is noteworthy that during this entire process, none of the workers involved are seen wearing any form of safety equipment.

Towards the conclusion of the video, as the noodles are moved into a steamer, they are covered with a soiled cloth. After being cooked, these noodles are placed on the ground.

This video was shared a week ago and has garnered 3.4 million views since then. Numerous individuals expressed their concerns about the unhygienic nature of the entire process in the comments section.

Here are some of the reactions from viewers:

  • One person remarked, “Street food is unhygienic. We didn’t need to see this, but thank you for showing it.”
  • Another individual questioned, “Where are the people responsible for food safety?”
  • A third commenter brought up the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), saying, “FSSAI, where are you? Shouldn’t something like this fall under food hygiene?”
  • Someone else expressed, “The more I see such videos, the less I want to eat food from outside.”
  • A different commenter noted, “This type of issue is about to become a trend. It’s important. As a middle-class Indian, I am aware of the reality in such factories. Factories like these are clear examples of disregarding health and hygiene practices. Cleaning the machine’s floors and walls is a rare practice. The use of gloves, head covers, and clean factory attire is also quite uncommon. Perhaps these precautions are considered unnecessary when it comes to investment. We Indians may have developed a certain level of immunity to such exposure to unclean conditions, as we rarely fall ill. Or is it that cases of illness go undocumented? It is crucial to raise awareness. Authorities must educate investors and workers and enforce stringent regulations. India is evolving rapidly, and we should strive for a cleaner India.”

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