Tips for Pranayama Practice: Regular practice of pranayama can help you stay physically and mentally healthy. It is an activity that doesn’t require much time; just 10 minutes a day is sufficient. Practicing for even this short duration can keep your mind calm and content. However, there are some things to keep in mind while practicing pranayama; let’s explore them here.

By Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. Pranayama Tips: Pranayama is a practice that allows you to control not only your body but also your mind. Maintaining control over the mind is crucial; otherwise, various joys and sorrows, thoughts, can easily overwhelm you, making it challenging to find peace. Although pranayama is a seated activity, a brief session keeps the body active and the mind tranquil.

Pranayama is derived from two words, ‘prana’ and ‘ayama,’ meaning life force and optional control, respectively. In simple terms, controlling breath is called pranayama. There is a deep connection between the state of mind and the process of breathing. As the mental state changes, the pace of breath also starts fluctuating. While it may not be right for the body, controlling breath has no adverse effects on the body, regardless of the situation. This is why yoga considers pranayama an essential component. To reap the maximum benefits of pranayama, it’s essential to keep certain things in mind during its practice. Let’s learn about them.

  1. Always breathe through the nose during pranayama, not through the mouth.
  2. Do not forcefully hold your breath. The correct process involves inhaling from the left nostril, closing both nostrils with fingers, exhaling from the right nostril. However, if you cannot hold your breath, avoid panicking and forcing it.
  3. If you experience back pain during pranayama, you can take support from a wall or sofa.
  4. Before starting pranayama, perform a few seconds of normal breathing to allow the body to relax, then begin the practice.
  5. Pregnant women should avoid practicing pranayama.
  6. Avoid practicing pranayama when you have a fever.
  7. Always practice pranayama after performing yoga asanas.

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