An awards function in Mumbai witnessed a star-studded attendance, with celebrities flaunting their stylish outfits. The Elle Beauty Awards 2023 took place on Thursday and saw several actors turning heads on the red carpet. Janhvi Kapoor, Bhumi Pednekar, Vijay Varma, Babil Khan, and Ananya Panday showcased stunning looks at the event. Additionally, Mira Rajput, wife of actor Shahid Kapoor, captivated attention in a strapless black gown with a thigh-high slit, and she shared images of her attire on Instagram, leaving Shahid in awe.

Mira Rajput, who frequently shares her lifestyle and fashion advice on social media, posted a series of monochromatic solo photographs showcasing her elegant Shantanu and Nikhil gown on her Instagram account. In her caption, she wrote, “Get ready with me in a swipe (kiss emoji).”

Ananya Pandey, Bhumi Pednekar, and others also opted for black attire. Ananya sported a voluminous black gown designed by the duo Gauri and Nainika, while Bhumi Pednekar donned a sculptural black gown with a corset-inspired design created by Andrea Brocca. Janhvi Kapoor made a striking appearance in a one-shouldered silver gown. Vijay Varma, earning acclaim for his role in “Jaane Jaan,” attended the awards function in an oversized Gucci suit.

The event also saw other actors such as Rakul Preet Singh, Shanaya Kapoor, and Vaani Kapoor, who showcased their unique fashion statements. Shanaya Kapoor chose a grey top paired with a silver sequined skirt, while videos of her and her best friend Ananya arriving at the event around the same time in their respective cars were widely shared by paparazzi and fan pages.

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