Filmmaker Vignesh Shivan, known for his close bond with Nayanthara’s mother, Omana Kurian, expressed heartfelt birthday wishes for her on his Instagram account on Thursday evening. Accompanied by a collection of images featuring the mother-daughter duo and himself, Vignesh penned a touching caption, saying, “Happy birthday to you, Omana Kurian, my Atha amma. Love you soooo much! You are our biggest strength. All your prayers and blessings make our life so beautiful! May you live forever. Birthday wishes from me, Nayan, uyir, and ulag.”
Last year, Vignesh celebrated his mother-in-law’s birthday with great joy and enthusiasm, sharing a heartwarming photo with Nayanthara’s mother. He wrote, “Happy birthday dear Omana Kurian, my other mother. A woman I love so much and always look up to. Purest soul with a beautiful heart. Praying to God for your good health, peace, happiness, and a lot of blessings.”
Meanwhile, Nayanthara, who has been garnering praise for her outstanding performance in “Jawan” alongside Shah Rukh Khan, added another achievement to her repertoire. Like many leading Bollywood actresses, Nayanthara announced the launch of her skincare product line through a series of Instagram posts on Thursday.
Nayanthara’s post read, “Today, we are extremely thrilled to reveal six years of relentless effort and love. We’ve poured our hearts into curating products that are as unique as you are, with formulas that are backed by nature & modern science with nano technology and designed to elevate your self-care routine. Join us on this self-love journey and say hello to healthier, glowing skin! We introduce @9SKINOfficial. The labor of self-love you deserve is now brewing to be discovered. Because we believe self-love is all we need. The 9SKIN journey begins on the 29th of September, 2023.” Nayanthara’s new venture received praise from her colleagues, with actor Parvathy commenting, “Wow, congrats and can’t wait,” and digital creator Niharika NM writing, “Let’s gooo.”
Additionally, Nayanthara topped the charts as IMDB’s popular Indian celebrity of the week, with her “Jawan” co-star Shah Rukh Khan and director Atlee following closely behind.
Vignesh Shivan and Nayanthara fell in love in 2015 and dated for nearly seven years before tying the knot. They got married in an intimate ceremony on June 9, attended by close friends, industry colleagues, and family, including Shah Rukh Khan, Vijay Sethupathi, Rajinikanth, and A R Rahman. The newlyweds also enjoyed a honeymoon in Thailand.