Desh Duniya Samachar

Today, Farhan Akhtar has officially unveiled plans for a third installment of the iconic Don series, and it’s evident that the digital realm is abuzz with excitement. The franchise stands as one of the pioneering action-thrillers in cinematic history, evoking a surge of sentiment among fans. Undoubtedly, the impending arrival of Don 3 is poised to create substantial ripples that extend far beyond the current anticipation. As we await the film’s unveiling in the year 2025, all that remains for us to do is to patiently count down the days.

Simultaneously, there’s been a significant revelation that Shah Rukh Khan (SRK) will not reprise the role of Don in this third installment, prompting a flurry of reactions from enthusiasts. Naturally, opinions on this development are running high. Yet, while this adjustment may take some getting used to, we can always revisit the earlier two parts – a cinematic indulgence that is both recommended and, indeed, essential.

During this intermission, allow me to acquaint you with some intriguing trivia about Don 2 that might have previously eluded your awareness:

  1. The cast embarked on a journey to Malaysia, where they ventured within the confines of the Malacca Prison to shoot certain scenes, even sharing the backdrop with actual inmates.
  2. Priyanka Chopra boldly declined the assistance of a stunt double during a car chase sequence, opting to perform a majority of the hair-raising car stunts herself.
  3. Among the film’s concluding scenes, SRK is captured riding a motorcycle adorned with a license plate that bears the inscription ‘Don 3.’ This subtle inclusion served as a tantalizing hint at the forthcoming installment.
  4. A memorable scene in Don 2 captures SRK lifting Priyanka Chopra. The biting chill in Berlin made the filming challenging, resulting in approximately ten takes to achieve the desired shot.
  5. A car chase sequence led to Shah Rukh Khan inadvertently colliding with his vehicle, leading to a minor accident that rendered the attached cameras unusable.
  6. The tattoo sported by Shah Rukh Khan in the film was a personal selection, with the letter ‘D’ etched onto his right arm, symbolizing Don’s narcissistic nature and his penchant for self-promotion.
  7. During scenes set within the Malaysian jail, Don frequently sported a vest. This sartorial choice was attributed to SRK’s decision not to layer clothing due to the sweltering climate.
  8. A particularly daring sequence called for Shah Rukh Khan to make a death-defying leap from a towering 70-story edifice, plummeting from a heart-pounding altitude of 300 feet.
  9. It was at Shah Rukh Khan’s suggestion that Lara Dutta was enlisted for a role in Don 2. This casting decision was also a gesture of gratitude for her participation in the film Billu.
  10. While filming the captivating song “Dushman Mera,” gale-force fans were employed to imbue Priyanka Chopra’s dress with an ethereal flow. Yet, the force of these fans proved so potent that the actress struggled to maintain her composure.

Undoubtedly, the allure of SRK in the role of Don remains as captivating as ever, rightly deserving the fervent excitement it garners.

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