Arvind Kejriwal: Minister Atishi of the Delhi government wrote on Wednesday night that she has received information that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) may conduct a raid at Arvind Kejriwal’s residence on Thursday morning, and an arrest is also possible. Security outside Chief Minister Kejriwal’s residence has been increased.

The Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, could face an arrest today, as claimed by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), prompting party workers to reach the AAP office in anticipation. Meanwhile, security has been heightened outside Chief Minister Kejriwal’s residence.

It is noteworthy that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has issued three summons to Delhi CM Kejriwal in connection with the liquor scam. However, Kejriwal has not appeared before the ED so far. In response, AAP workers have started to gather at the party office due to concerns about the possible arrest of CM Kejriwal. Outside CM Kejriwal’s residence, security has been intensified.

Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj and Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Pathak have also claimed on social media that there might be an ED raid at CM Kejriwal’s residence today, leading to a potential arrest.

Reports suggest that tomorrow morning, the Chief Minister may be arrested when ED reaches his residence.

Prior to this, during the investigation into the alleged liquor scam in Delhi yesterday, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal did not appear before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in response to the third summons. He wrote a letter to the agency, stating that he is currently occupied with preparations for the Rajya Sabha elections and Republic Day. He expressed his readiness to answer any questions related to the case and accused the agency of maintaining inappropriate confidentiality and working in an arbitrary manner.

He alleged that the information regarding the summons had already surfaced in the media before reaching him. This raises questions about whether the purpose of the summons is to conduct a valid inquiry or to tarnish his reputation.

In response to the summons, he stated that his silence is compelling him to conclude that the ED is maintaining inappropriate confidentiality. He accused the agency of behaving non-transparently and arbitrarily in the current case.

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