The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an Orange alert for various regions across the country, including Vidarbha, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Assam, Meghalaya, Andaman and Nicobar Island, West Bengal, Sikkim, and Bihar. The IMD also forecasts light scattered to fairly widespread rainfall or thunderstorms, with isolated instances of heavy to very heavy rainfall expected over Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Manipur for the next three days.
Notable Rainfall Activity in the Past 24 Hours: Over the past 24 hours, the highest recorded rainfall activity was in Sabour, Bihar, with 19 cm of rain. This was followed by Ashta in Madhya Pradesh (15 cm), Deoghar in Jharkhand (14 cm), Gangapur in Marathwada (14 cm), and Mawkyrwat in Meghalaya (13 cm).
Weather Conditions Across Various States:
Delhi: The Regional Met Office predicts a partly cloudy sky with a chance of very light rain or thundershowers. Maximum and minimum temperatures are expected to be around 36 and 27 degrees Celsius, respectively. On Friday, the maximum temperature in Pitampura was recorded at 37.9 degrees Celsius.
Kolkata and Surrounding Areas: The Regional Meteorological Centre in Kolkata forecasts rain in all the districts of the northern part and most places in Sikkim. It has issued a warning of Heavy to Very Heavy rain (07-20 cm) over one or two places in Jalpaiguri, North Dinajpur, and South Dinajpur districts. Maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around 30 and 26 degrees Celsius, respectively.
Maharashtra and Goa: The IMD Centre in Mumbai predicts light to moderate rain in most areas of the Konkan-Goa districts and a few places in the South Madhya Maharashtra districts. It also anticipates widespread rainfall in the North Konkan and South Konkan-Goa regions, fairly widespread rainfall in North Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada, Gujarat region, and scattered rainfall in South Madhya Maharashtra and Saurashtra-Kutch region.