Desh Duniya Samachar

The initiative aimed at combating violence against women spans 16 days, commencing on November 25 and concluding on December 10.

Violence against women and girls stands as one of the most widespread, enduring, and severe human rights violations in today’s world. Its prevalence is often underreported, given the prevailing impunity, silence, stigma, and shame that shroud it. This form of violence remains a significant hindrance to achieving equality, development, and peace, along with impeding the realization of the human rights of women and girls.

This underscores the importance of observing the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25 annually. This designated day by the United Nations serves to raise awareness about the global issue, shedding light on the various types of violence women face. It further aims to advocate for change and create enhanced opportunities for women.

According to the United Nations, a staggering 736 million women, nearly one in three, have experienced physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their lives.

On this occasion, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohamed emphasized the need for increased investment in preventing violence against women and girls—a concern that transcends borders and cultures. She stated, ”Investing in prevention is an investment in our collective well-being. It entails creating conditions where women and girls can thrive without the burden of fear from violence.”

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