Desh Duniya Samachar

In the initial investigation, the accused are not revealing any conspiracy. Consequently, the police have ordered a psychological examination of all six arrested suspects—Sagar, Manoranjan D., Amol, Neelam, Lalit, and Mahesh. Lalit and Mahesh have already undergone psychological assessments.

Delhi Police, in a case related to a security lapse in Parliament, is conducting psychological evaluations of the arrested suspects. Neelam Azad underwent a psychological examination on Friday at the FSL in Rohini. The police have conducted examinations of several individuals, including Amol and Sagar.

According to officials from the Delhi Police Special Cell, psychological examinations of the accused are being conducted to guide the investigation. This aims to uncover any conspiracies and identify the masterminds behind the accused. All the main accused have been remanded in custody for 15 days.

A police officer from the Special Cell revealed that different units of the Special Cell are interrogating each suspect separately. In the early stages of the investigation, the accused are not divulging details of any conspiracy. Therefore, psychological examinations are being conducted on all six arrested suspects—Sagar, Manoranjan D., Amol, Neelam, Lalit, and Mahesh. The police have also activated the SIM cards of the accused. Subsequently, through cloud data, the secrets of the conspiracy may soon be unveiled.

During questioning, Lalit revealed significant information, stating that Manoranjan is the actual mastermind behind the organization. Manoranjan was attempting fundraising for entertainment. Sagar Sharma was recruited into the organization as part of the conspiracy. Sagar Sharma was entrusted with brainwashing young individuals.

Lalit disclosed that they did not anticipate that the entire incident would lead to charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). They believed that coming out on bail would help them become public figures and convey a message to society, advancing their propaganda through significant funding. The Special Cell has also spoken to the family members of the accused to understand their mental state. The police noted that the accused are frequently changing their statements.

Manoranjan, the alleged mastermind of the organization, among the six arrested suspects, is suspected by the Special Cell. Senior sources related to the investigation claim that Manoranjan orchestrated the conspiracy to send a message to the incumbent government. The police stated that Lalit’s role was merely to destroy evidence after the act.

Manoranjan was arrested along with Sagar inside the Parliament on December 13. Both had jumped into the well of the Lok Sabha, unfolding a banner and opening smoke canisters. Manoranjan, originally from Mysuru, had left his engineering studies to engage in social activities. Sources say that although he was unemployed, he succeeded in working in Cambodia. The police informed the court that he needs to confront other accused, collect scientific and digital evidence related to the case.

Neelam’s family members, who went to Delhi to meet her after she was caught spreading color outside the Parliament in the Smoke Can allegation, were not allowed to meet her. Only her lawyer was permitted to meet her. Delhi Police stated that if Neelam’s family wants to meet her, they must obtain a court order. Upon returning to Delhi, Neelam’s brother Ramanivas stated that he had attempted to meet her but was not allowed. Only her lawyer was granted permission. He asserted that Neelam had not committed any crime and was being harassed. She raised the voice of unemployed youth.

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