Desh Duniya Samachar

Bihar News: A significant bulldozing operation has taken place at a school in Bihar, linked to encroachment on government land. Not only the school but also several nearby shanties have witnessed bulldozer action, prompting notices from the administration. Those who ignored the notices became the victims of this action. Here are the details of the case.

Sitamarhi: A major action has been taken in Sitamarhi, Bihar, concerning illegal encroachments on government land. The case pertains to various villages in the Sonbarsa block of the district, where encroachments had occurred along the roadside. The main road of the block, including roads in friendship with the block, was obstructed due to encroachments. After receiving complaints, the administration intensified its efforts to remove the encroachments. On Tuesday, bulldozers were used to clear government land from encroachers on schools and shanties. This administrative move has created a stir. In essence, the individuals involved in encroachment had been served notices by the administration to vacate the government land. However, some individuals did not take the notices seriously. Subsequently, the administration initiated direct bulldozing action.

The road belongs to the Road Construction Department. The road whose land was encroached upon belongs to the Road Construction Department. Encroachment was causing hindrances in road construction. Following the complaint, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) expedited the process of removing encroachments. On the agenda were private schools, including the school owned by Jay Kishor Sah ‘Lalit,’ a member of the Panchayat Samiti, whose construction was done by capturing government land. On Wednesday, encroachments were also being removed. This means that until all encroachments are cleared, the bulldozer operation will continue. It is noteworthy that during the operation, a warning was issued by the administration that those attempting to encroach on road land again may face severe consequences.

Resistance from Encroachers to the Administration It is reported that on August 29, the CEO issued notices after surveying the land through the Regional Amin. CEO Sandeep Kumar gave more than a month for all encroachers to present their side. Despite this, many people were not prepared to remove encroachments. They had constructed residences and boundaries. During the operation, protests were raised by the school’s administrator and former deputy chief Jay Kishor Sah alias Lalit. There were verbal clashes with administrative and police officials.

Conflict between Panchayat Samiti Member and CEO It is stated that several individuals, including the rural Rakesh Kumar, jointly submitted an application to the DM. In it, they demanded the removal of unauthorized encroachments on the main road of the village by people. On the orders of the DM based on this demand, when the CEO conducted an inspection at the site, the names of 40 encroachers came to light. Panchayat Samiti member Sah was also caught up in this matter. The executive engineer of road construction also demanded the removal of government road encroachments from 39 encroachers, including the principal of Sanjeevani Vidyalaya.

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