Desh Duniya Samachar

Weight loss often carries negative connotations, and I understand the sentiment. Diet culture has tainted the concept of healthy living, leading to eating disorders and body image issues. But let’s reject this toxic culture! Weight loss doesn’t always equate to negativity. Sometimes, it’s not about aesthetics; it’s about making better choices that don’t necessarily involve avoiding “bad foods” and only consuming “good foods,” or glorifying starvation. It can be a positive step toward a sustainable and healthy life.

Here are 7 unhelpful things people say about weight loss:

1. “You don’t need to lose weight.” Frankly, it’s not your place to comment. Those pursuing weight loss aren’t fools. Their reasons may be medical, fitness-related, or for peace of mind. Everyone has their own motives, and you’re not entitled to judge.

2. “Losing weight is anti-feminist.” Feminism champions choice, while body positivity celebrates all bodies, regardless of size. If someone is striving to adopt a healthier lifestyle, it’s their prerogative. Weight loss isn’t synonymous with superficiality; such judgments are the antithesis of feminism.

3. “Can you eat that on your diet?” This question is disrespectful, particularly to someone on a weight loss journey. It fuels eating disorders, labels foods as “good” or “bad,” and makes the person feel judged. Sustainable weight loss encourages moderation and listening to one’s body.

4. “How many more kilos do you have to lose?” Firstly, scale numbers don’t accurately reflect bodily changes. Secondly, why does it matter to you?

5. “So what’s the secret?” There’s no magic trick. It boils down to a calorie deficit and consistency. However, each person’s interpretation of this varies. Weight loss takes a toll on mental health, with individuals fighting against unique physiological predispositions and societal norms. They might not want to revisit that struggle.

6. “One cheat meal won’t hurt.” Let’s abandon food policing. People can eat what they choose, and the same goes for declining certain foods. Comments like this place those refusing the offer in an uncomfortable spot, adding unnecessary pressure.

7. “You can’t eat that.” It’s best to refrain from discussing someone else’s diet or weight without being asked. Weight loss is already challenging; let’s not exacerbate it.

In summary, let’s avoid unsolicited comments about others’ weight loss journeys. It’s tough enough without unnecessary criticism.

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