Desh Duniya Samachar

Following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s expected absence, it appears that Chinese President Xi Jinping may also not attend the upcoming G20 Summit in New Delhi. U.S. President Joe Biden expressed his hope that President Xi would participate in the summit, which is set to host over two dozen world leaders and is organized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

When asked about President Xi’s potential attendance, President Biden responded, “I hope he attends the G20 Summit.”

Meanwhile, Farwa Aamer, Director of South Asia Initiatives at the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI), noted that President Xi’s decision to skip the G20 Summit in India could signify China’s reluctance to relinquish its prominent position to India, particularly in the regional and broader geopolitical context. This underscores China’s commitment to maintaining its dominant role and influence, which directly impacts the balance of power in the region.

Aamer also emphasized that President Xi’s absence from the summit serves as a reminder that achieving de-escalation at the border between China and India will require sustained and intricate diplomatic efforts. These negotiations are intertwined with the broader geopolitical landscape of the Himalayan region and China’s strategic competition with the United States.

The absence of high-profile summits like the G20 from President Xi’s schedule underscores the complexity of negotiations and the need to ensure domestic audiences align with the diplomatic path forward.

Looking ahead, Sino-India relations are navigating challenging terrain, with border issues intertwined with historical disputes, national pride, and strategic interests. As both countries seek global influence, their interactions will be shaped by regional dynamics and the overarching framework of great power competition between China and the United States.

Regarding the G20 Summit, its outcome will serve as an indicator of how geopolitical tensions and strategic competition impact global economic cooperation and multilateral diplomacy.

Since the Galwan clashes of 2020, Sino-India relations have been marked by escalating tensions and unresolved border issues, despite multiple rounds of diplomatic discussions and recent meetings of corps commanders. A swift resolution to the border disputes seems unlikely in the near future.

Prime Minister Modi has emphasized that the trajectory of Sino-India relations depends on the situation along the border, highlighting the issue’s significance. However, the dynamics remain complex, as evidenced by the limited interaction between Prime Minister Modi and President Xi during the BRICS Summit. China’s release of a new map, asserting sovereignty over Arunachal Pradesh and the disputed Aksai Chin plateau, has further heightened tensions, with India strongly protesting against China’s claims. These developments underscore the seriousness of the situation, and the path forward remains uncertain.

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