ED Conducts Raids at Sanjay Singh’s Residence: Serious allegations have arisen as Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) faces Enforcement Directorate (ED) raids at his home in connection with the Excise policy case. Sanjay Singh has accused ED officers of misusing their authority to harm his public image and is calling for their prosecution. Earlier, in May, he wrote to Finance Secretary T V Somanathan, claiming that the ED Director and Assistant Director unjustly associated his name with an alleged liquor scam, leading to defamation and damage to his reputation. Singh alleges that his name was included based on statements from Dinesh Arora. Legal action has already been initiated, with Singh sending a legal notice to the officers and demanding a public apology. ED sources indicate that the AAP leader’s name appears four times in the ED charge sheet, with one reference being erroneous and typed inadvertently. Notably, two senior AAP leaders, former Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain and former Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia, are currently incarcerated and facing trials related to financial irregularities. Furthermore, the Supreme Court is set to hear the bail plea of AAP leader Manish Sisodia in connection with the excise policy case. Recently, a Delhi court allowed Raghav Magunta, the son of YSR Congress Party Lok Sabha MP Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy, and Delhi-based businessman Dinesh Arora to become approvers in a money laundering case linked to the alleged Delhi excise policy scam. Special Judge M K Nagpal granted pardons to both Magunta and Arora while instructing them to cooperate with investigators and disclose all relevant information about the case.

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